The public hearing for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is held in Challhuahuacho.
The transfer of ownership contract with the State is signed, with an investment of USD 4.2 billion.
The State approves the EIA after an extensive process of citizen participation.
The increase in the mineral resource of Las Bambas is reported at 10%, equivalent to 1,710 million tons with a copper grade of 0.60%.
The engineering of roads and main components for the start-up is developed.
The improvement of the Las Bambas - Espinar road begins.
More than 60% of the construction investment is committed.
Glencore becomes the owner of Las Bambas as part of the acquisition of Xstrata.
Progress of 65% on pioneer roads, 40% on the concentrator plant, and 95% on the improvement of the Las Bambas - Espinar road.
The modification of the EIA is presented to allow the transportation of copper concentrate by road.
The consortium composed of MMG Limited, Guoxin International Investment Co. Ltd., and CITIC Metal Co. Ltd. acquires Las Bambas.
The physical resettlement of the Fuerabamba community is realized and initiated.
The first production of copper concentrate is achieved within the framework of commissioning.
The commissioning stages and gradual production increase are carried out to reach the full production level.
The first shipment of copper concentrate is carried out.
Commercial production begins.
First full year of commercial production.
Production exceeds 450,000 tons of copper in concentrate.
The third Environmental Impact Monitoring Report (MEIA) is submitted.
The third MEIA is approved.
Exploratory studies in the western zone of the concession are initiated.
Started Stage 2 of operational development.
Started EISA 4.
The operation sustained itself in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic with zero days of interruption.
The environmental and social baseline for the 4th MEIA is conducted. The phase is at 80%.
The payment of Income Tax begins.