Las Bambas

Las Bambas is one of the most important copper mines in Peru. It is located in the districts of Challhuahuacho, Tambobamba and Coyllurqui (Cotabambas province), and the district of Progreso (Grau province) in the Apurímac region.

  • We have three main deposits: Ferrobamba, Chalcobamba and Sulfobamba.
  • We have ore reserves of 5.631 billion tonnes of copper and mineral resources of 8.982 billion tonnes of copper.
  • In 2019 we produced 385,299 tonnes of copper in concentrate. 
Las Bambas


We are aligned with the corporate governance practices of our operator MMG. This is demonstrated through an experienced Board, sound risk management and internal controls, and transparency and accountability to all shareholders.
Ethics and Transparency
Human rights

Las Bambas' impact

2.007 million
soles in royalties generated from 2016 to September 2023, distributed to the regional government, municipalities, and universities in the Apurímac region.
1% contribution
approximately to the gross domestic product (GDP).
More than 30%
of the workforce is from the Apurímac region.
Annual average workforce of
8,850 positions
(payroll and contractors) from 2016 to 2022.
6.389 million
soles in taxes from 2014 to 2022.
1.600 million
soles in social development investment (2010-2022).
Local acquisitions from Apurímac and Cusco amounting to
2.100 million


We seek to contribute to the development of the territories where we operate by generating direct and indirect opportunities with the aim of improving the quality of life for individuals.
Sustainable Development
Direct social investment of Las Bambas based on the sustainable development goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda
Nueva Fuerabamba
Case Study
For mining projects, resettlement requirements are primarily determined by the location of mineral deposits.


From Las Bambas, we work continuously on building and consolidating a respectful and sustainable relationship with our stakeholders.
Engagement mechanisms
Compliance with commitments (ANNEX K)
Local culture and traditions


We seek to minimize our environmental footprint through efficiency in our production processes.
Access and use of water
Environmental monitoring and Impact mitigation
Environmental Impact Studies and Modifications

At Las Bambas, our Vision is: Transform Las Bambas into a Smart Mine by 2030.
On the way to
a Smart Mine
The concept of a smart mine arises from the idea of Integration, and when we talk about integration, we are referring to processes, people, and technology working cohesively to maximize value delivery to the business.
Digital Transformation Program
in Mining - DMX
At Las Bambas, the highest leadership of the company has set the goal of transforming into a Smart Mine by the year 2030.
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