
We have an unwavering commitment to the promotion and respect for human rights, which is part of the principles that guide our relationship with our stakeholders. Therefore, we focus on seeking opportunities for development and progress for the communities in our surroundings, considering their vision for the future and with full respect for their culture and customs, thus promoting their preservation, dissemination, and prosperity.

In October 2019, our Human Rights Policy came into effect, framed within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the International Council on Mining and Metals' (ICMM) Sustainable Development Framework, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the fundamental labor standards established in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This framework of international instruments and standards is reflected in our risk management approach, through:

  • The integration of human rights considerations into our employment processes, risk analysis activities, and formal processes for filing complaints.
  • The development of processes that facilitate reporting of unacceptable behavior without fear of intimidation or retaliation by our stakeholders.
  • The adoption of relationship and consultation processes that are culturally appropriate, ensuring the meaningful participation of vulnerable populations and indigenous communities, in particular, in decision-making.
  • The respect for human rights, interests, special connections to land and water, and perspectives of indigenous peoples and communities where we live and operate, including processes to provide access to remediation measures for the impacts we may cause.
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