Ethics and Transparency

One of our main tools for ethics and transparency management is the Code of Conduct, which governs the conduct of our employees, suppliers, and contractors regarding labor practice standards. This allows us to respond appropriately to potential cases of conflicts of interest, fraud, corruption, and legal non-compliance. Additionally, we consistently prioritize integrity as one of the values guiding our relationship with stakeholders.

Our actions against workplace sexual harassment

In compliance with the Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment Law and its Regulations, we have a Sexual Harassment Intervention Committee. Since 2021, this committee has been working with the Inter-American Development Bank and GenderLab, through their platform Espacios Laborales Sin Acoso (ELSA), on actions to prevent and eradicate harassment, as well as measures to address or penalize reported cases. The first ELSA survey, conducted in that year, provided an updated diagnosis of sexual harassment within the organization, allowing us to strengthen the prevention and action plan based on the results. As part of the benefits of this participation, committee members received eight hours of training on sexual harassment prevention.

In 2022, we elected new worker representatives to the Committee, whose main objectives include ensuring compliance with the Policy for Prevention and Sanction of Acts of Sexual Harassment, recording workers' complaints or reports, dictating protective measures for the complainant, investigating reports, issuing relevant recommendations or sanctions, and adopting preventive measures. During this period, we requested all employees to read the mentioned policy above to ensure its dissemination and also presented mechanisms for reporting incidents of this nature.

Similarly, as part of our commitment to this issue, in 2022, we launched the "Te Cuidamos" campaign aimed at promoting a workplace free from sexual harassment. During the event, we highlighted some manifestations of sexual harassment that should not occur in the workplace, and shared complaint channels, all through videos that facilitated understanding of the issue. This campaign also included our indirect workers.

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