Compliance with commitments (ANNEX K)

Below, we present the progress of our work carried out in 2022 regarding the fulfillment of the seven commitments of Annex K, a document that is part of our concession contract and that we undertake with the communities and the Peruvian State.
Social condition
Compliance and implementation
Execution of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the conservation of the environment, flora, fauna, and water resources.
  • We carried out 46 participatory environmental monitoring activities in 2022 with the collaboration of 201 individuals, of which 60% were women and 40% were men.
  • We conducted water, air, and noise monitoring as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • We prepared thirty-one reports that were delivered to thirty communities and seventeen local authorities.
  • By the year 2022, we have rescued twenty-eight archaeological sites and recovered more than four thousand artifacts for the Abancay Museum.
Job opportunities for professionals, technicians, and workers from the Apurímac Region and its provinces are given priority
  • In October 2022, we inaugurated the Employment and Development Center (CED), which is responsible for providing support and assistance in the recruitment and selection processes of the contracting companies in our operation, aiming to meet the personnel requirements with local residents.
  • We carried out capacity-building initiatives for the communities in our area of influence, with a particular emphasis on craftsmanship.
  • 32% of our entire workforce is composed of employees from the Apurímac Region.
Assisted resettlement of the Fuerabamba community and payment of compensations
  • In 2010, we signed an agreement with the peasant community of Fuerabamba and defined 171 agreements, distributed across 13 action axes (agreement compendium). Additionally, between 2014 and 2022, we established 98 new commitments with this community.
  • We developed a support program for vulnerable groups that provides assistance to one hundred and thirty elderly individuals, single mothers, orphans, and people with disabilities.
  • We provide a monthly support of USD 405 to each elderly person, an amount that has increased by 400% since the agreement was signed in 2011.
Land replacement for agriculture, livestock, and housing

En el marco del acuerdo de reasentamiento, entregamos tierras para vivienda y actividades agropecuarias a la comunidad campesina de Fuerabamba.
Transferimos 40626 ha de terrenos comunales, los cuales fueron distribuidos e inscritos de la siguiente manera:

  • Terrenos urbanos:
    - Nueva Fuerabamba - 274 ha (Chila y Choaquere)
  • Terrenos agropecuarios:
    - Huaycorranra - 11 ha 
    - Carhuacpampa -367 ha
    - Yavi Yavi- 3610 ha
Respect for local culture and customs, and fundamentally, for human rights.
  • We participated in local cultural activities, primarily anniversaries and communal and district celebrations (fairs, carnivals, and other festivities). In 2022, we sponsored a total of 146 activities.
  • We created and published the book "Relatos de Mi Cotabambas," which compiles ancestral stories, myths, and legends of the Apurímac Region. This publication was delivered to the Regional Directorate of Education.
Social and environmental responsibility, and the establishment of positive relationships with communities

We comply with the initiatives established in our environmental management instruments, both social and environmental, aimed at contributing to local social development, including respective participatory environmental monitoring involving the population.

  • From 2016 until the closing of this report, we have implemented various projects aimed at improving local educational quality and achieved a 25% improvement in the soft skills of regular basic education students in our direct area of influence. Likewise, we observed a 20% increase in their learning in the areas of communication and mathematics. Specifically, primary school students improved their learning ability by the following percentages: Fuerabamba, 20%; Huancuire, 8%; and 6% in other locations within the direct area of influence.
  • By 2022, a total of 116 young people are pursuing technical and university studies with scholarships funded by our company. Of this total, 52% are women.
  • Regarding health, in 2022, we conducted 9 comprehensive medical campaigns in communities, resulting in 4,105 consultations in the 8 specialties offered and a total of 1,650 people served from 35 communities (14 from the direct area of influence and 21 from other communities). In addition, we carried out 4 dental campaigns in educational institutions, which meant 929 consultations for a total of 121 children in 4 communities from the direct area of influence.
  • In the peasant community of Fuerabamba, we successfully reduced chronic malnutrition among children under 5 by 3.6 percentage points (from 10.4% in 2021 to 6.8% in 2022), and anemia among children under 36 months by 11.1 percentage points (from 32.1% in 2020 to 21% in 2022).
  • During 2022, the Nueva Fuerabamba Health Center recorded 14,149 medical consultations and other health services.
  • Also, in 2022, we executed 33 infrastructure projects, generating a total of 41,938 workdays.
Integration of mining development with agricultural and livestock activities
  • Andean initiatives in 17 communities benefiting a total of 1,551 families. We managed to install 204 hectares of crops with yields of 18 tons/ha for potatoes, 1,100 kg/ha for quinoa, 1,400 kg/ha for barley, and 40 tons/ha for forage oats.

  • The strengthening project of the cattle and sheep productive chain allowed us to work with 17 communities and 1,049 families, resulting in the installation of 149 hectares of forage oats to serve a population of 70,000 sheep and 1,800 cattle.

  • We continued operating 23 forest nurseries, producing a total of 1,777,020 pine seedlings, and by the year 2022, we have successfully afforested a total of 1,990 hectares.

  • Between the years 2016 and 2022, we managed to increase the annual gross income of families from USD 2,298 to USD 4,715.

  • We implemented the Family Agriculture Program with the participation of 1,550 families, providing support to livestock activities and the Yavi Yavi Agricultural Fund.

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