Digital Transformation Program
in Mining - DMX

Digital Mining Transformation Program - DMX

Digital Transformation is the framework that companies are applying to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which the World Economic Forum, on January 23, 2016, called 'The greatest revolution in the history of humanity.'

Analyzing this new and challenging global scenario, a result of the rapid advancement of all branches of science, technology, and human endeavor, Minera Las Bambas has launched its most ambitious project: The Digital Mining Transformation Program (DMX), to make our organization more competitive through the intensive application of new technologies, optimizing our processes, and focusing on people.

From Digital Mine to Smart Mine
At Las Bambas, the highest management of the company has set the goal of transforming into a Smart Mine by 2030. To achieve this objective, we decided to undergo a profound Digital Transformation process since 2019, achieving highly favorable results.

One of the main components of our strategy is our Digital Mining Transformation Program (DMX), whose goal is to develop and execute the business transformation roadmap for the next four years by capturing initiatives, analyzing their feasibility, and building the respective business cases.

At Las Bambas, we understand Digital Transformation as 'The transformation of people, processes, and the corporate culture of the company, enabled by the Digital.' To make this purpose a reality, we have developed twelve pillars, on which our entire approach to Digital Transformation is based, and we are implementing them throughout the organization.

Our DMX & I Agents

In their strategic role as Digital Transformation and Innovation Agents at Las Bambas, they contribute to fostering a digital culture within various business areas, improving communication with the technology department, promoting innovation, and contributing to process improvement, cost reduction, and increased productivity.

They are key players in identifying innovation opportunities and implementing selected solutions.

Key Pieces for Innovation
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