Environmental Impact Studies and Modifications

The EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) for Las Bambas was approved in March 2011, through Directorial Resolution (RD) No. 073-2011-MEM/AAM. This resolution considered three areas:

  • Las Bambas Area: mine, concentrator plant, and auxiliary components.
  • Mineroduct Area
  • Tintaya Area: minor molybdenum plant, final filtration plant, and concentrate warehouse.

The EIA was approved after a thorough Citizen Participation Process (CPP), which included, among others, participatory monitoring, twenty citizen participation workshops, and a public hearing where more than five thousand people participated (July 15, 2010). This fully complied with the provisions of Supreme Decree No. 028-2008-EM and Ministerial Resolution No. 304-2008-EM."

Environmental impact study
First round of workshops (before Environmental Impact Study elaboration)Challhuahuacho
Velille, Coporaque​
Second round of workshops (during Environmental Impact Study elaboration)Challhuahuacho
Velille, Coporaque​
Third round of workshops (during Environmental Impact Study approval process)Challhuahuacho
Velille, Coporaque​
Public audienceChallhuahuacho5.310
Total attendance 13.032
All communities in the direct and indirect influence area of Las Bambas participate.
EIA modifications
  • On 11 July 2013, a Supporting Technical Report (ITS) was presented, which sustained that the impacts related to the relocation of the molybdenum and filtration plants and the concentrate warehouse were not significant.
  • All modifications to the EIA were carried out with strict respect for regulatory procedures and involved communication with the municipalities and other corresponding sector entities.
  • The ITS was approved by Directorial Resolution No. 319-2013-MEM-AAM on 26 August 2013. The Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines promptly informed the authorities of Cotabambas and Grau provinces and the authorities of Challhuahuacho, Cotabambas, Coyllurqui, Haquira, Mara and Tambobamba districts.
  • On 10 March 2014, the second Amendment to the EIA was presented to the Ministry of Energy and Mines. This was approved in November 2014, through R.D. 559-DGAAM.
  • The change in the modality of concentrate transport was supported, postponing the pipeline and opting for the bimodal system through concentrate trucks from Las Bambas to the Pillones station and by rail to the Port of Matarani.

Las Bambas directly informed the authorities of Cotabambas and Grau provinces and the authorities of Challhuahuacho, Cotabambas, Coyllurqui, Haquira, Mara and Tambobamba districts of this change, as recorded in the corresponding delivery charges.

Third modification of the EIA

The Modification of an Environmental Impact Study (MEIA) is an environmental management instrument that is carried out within the framework of the optimisation, expansion or improvement of the components of a project.

This process has different stages required by law; one of the main ones is the public participation stage, in which information about the changes included in the Third MEIA is provided to the communities surrounding the operation.

During this process, we disseminated information about the Third MEIA through various mechanisms for public participation, such as:

  • Mobile information modules: with specialised personnel to carry out informative talks on MEIA in each community.
  • Information material: prepared for radio, print media and broadcasting in communities.
  • Permanent Information Offices (OIP): where community members can access all the information prepared for this process.
  • Guided visits: to the operation to explain in detail the changes proposed in the Third MEIA.
  • Informative meetings: with Las Bambas’ external stakeholders to explain the changes.
  • Focus groups: to ensure the quality of the information and receive their feedback.
Status of the 4th Modification of the Environmental Impact Assessment
On October 31, 2022, we submitted the request for approval of the Citizen Participation Plan corresponding to the 4th EIA Modification to the Environmental Assessment Directorate for Natural Resources and Productive Projects for Environmental Certification of Sustainable Investments. This document was reviewed by the entity, and in early 2023, observations were sent to the document, which are currently being addressed to proceed with the process. It is worth mentioning that the social baseline is in the process of preparation.
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